Power to Decide CEO Participates in Hill Briefing Sponsored by the Care Women Deserve Campaign


Power to Decide CEO Participates in Hill Briefing Sponsored by the Care Women Deserve Campaign

June 7, 2018
Two friends looking at a phone

Access to preventive medical services was and is a fundamental tenet of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Care Women Deserve campaign seeks to remind women nationwide that important medical services remain available and are important for ensuring women’s health at every stage in their lives.

In an effort to bring critical awareness to these exiting preventive medical services, Ginny Ehrlich, CEO, Power to Decide, recently participated in a panel hill briefing sponsored by the Care Women Deserve campaign. Specifically, Ehrlich spoke about the benefits to women from having no-copay contraception; the benefits of birth control for women to live their best lives, and explained the organization’s online birth control support network BedsiderFor the complete speech text, please go here.

The primary purpose of the campaign is to highlight the requirement that insurance plans are required to provide coverage for preventive medical services, such as but not limited to well-women visits, breast cancer screenings, contraception, counseling, and follow-up care without a copay, coinsurance, or deductible. Additional services still covered by the ACA, include counseling for sexually transmitted infections, screenings for cervical cancer, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and breast cancer. For most new mothers, breastfeeding services and supplies are also available at no additional cost.