A couple sits with their back to the camera and a girl smiles at the camera with a lens flare

Resource Library

We work to ensure that all young people have the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child. We believe that one key to helping people build that power is providing high-quality, accurate information. This page hosts our library of research including reports, fact sheets, and other resources.

A letter in which Power to Decide respectfully submits seven requests to the OMB to improve the reproductive well-being of all people.
Fact Sheet
Bedsider is an evidence-based digital platform that offers medically-accurate, relevant, and resonate information. Here's how they do it.
Fact Sheet
AbortionFinder is the largest verified database of abortion providers in the country. Here’s how they do it.
To address key gaps in the field, inform Power to Decide programs, and monitor progress toward organizational goals, Power to Decide has launched YouR HeAlth.
Fact Sheet
Check out this infographic on the importance of having access to the full range of contraceptive methods.