Do You Have a Go-To Person?


Do You Have a Go-To Person?

October 20, 2021
A father and son talk while they walk down a city street.

Having conversations about sex, love, relationships, and birth control can be awkward and challenging at times, but during this Let’s Talk Month we highlight the importance of everyone having a person to go to talk about these important topics. Whether that’s a parent or guardian, friend or family member, teacher or mentor – having a go-to person is key to a healthy sexual and reproductive lifestyle. And data backs this up!

Here are 5 key data points from recent polling at Power to Decide:

An overwhelming number of people have someone in their life to discuss sex, love, and relationships. 

"80% of respondents said they have someone in their lives they trust to discuss issues related to sex and relationships.

Parents continue to be the number one person people turn to for these important conversations. 

"Seven in 10 adults say their parents were the person they turned to as a teen to discuss dating, sex, or birth control."

Conversations with young people on these topics go well when people are equipped with the right tools

"More than half (53%) of adults who had conversations with a young person in the past year say the conversation went 'very well.'"

Black communities are leading the way in having these important conversations with young people. 

"Black adults are more likely to discuss these issues with a young person than Hispanic or whites."

Sparking conversation starts at a young age, yet people still don’t feel fully comfortable with having these talks with teenagers and younger people. 

"About two-third of respondents did not have a conversation with someone under age 18 in the past 12 months about relationships, sex, birth control, or consent."


While the majority of respondents to our polls have said they had someone to go to for conversations on sex, love, and relationships, there are still many people out there who don’t have a go-to person or haven’t started the conversation yet. As we come to a close of Let’s Talk Month, let’s all commit to keeping the conversation going and acknowledging that conversations about sex, love, and relationships look different at every age and stage of a person's life – but having someone to talk to makes it all the difference.