Woman rides piggyback on her boyfriend and another woman wearing headphones smiles at the camera


What do you believe? What do you do?

Our mission is to advance sexual and reproductive well-being for all.  

We envision a world where everyone—no matter who they are or where they live—has control over their bodies and can decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child. 

We accomplish this by providing trusted information, expanding access to quality services, and catalyzing culture change.

Some of our primary initiatives include the popular and award-winning websites Bedsider and AbortionFinder; targeted efforts to address barriers to birth control access; partnerships with the writers and producers of entertainment media; and the development of new and important research in the field of reproductive and sexual health. 

How are you funded?

Power to Decide receives funding from a variety of sources including donations from charitable foundations, companies, individuals, and government grants.  We’re proud that Power to Decide has been awarded Charity Navigator’s highest rating for 16 consecutive years, an honor that less than 1% of rated charities can claim. If you have questions about our funding or would like to donate, please contact giving@powertodecide.org. Visit our funders page for a full list of our primary supporters.

How are you related to Bedsider? AbortionFinder?

Both Bedsider and AbortionFinder are programs of Power to Decide. We created both of these websites to fill gaps we saw in the reproductive health space. 

Bedsider is an online birth control support network designed for those aged 18-29. In addition to a variety of articles about sexual health and relationships, it’s a useful tool for people to learn about their birth control options, better manage their birth control, and avoid getting pregnant until they’re ready.

We created AbortionFinder because we saw firsthand that for too many people, the process of figuring out where and how to get an abortion is confusing, complicated, and overwhelming. We want it to be easier.

How do you focus on equity?

We stand for equity. To us this means the promise that everyone gets exactly the information about and access to the care they need to achieve reproductive well-being—no matter what that looks like for them. They get it on their terms, from someone who understands and respects them.

Our work will not be complete until every young person in every community across the country—no matter who they are, where they live, or how much they earn—has the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child.

Can you answer my questions about my birth control/reproductive health/etc.?

We cannot offer specific medical advice on the internet; we recommend that you talk to a health care provider about your question(s). If you need help finding reliable information on birth control or in finding a health care provider or someone to talk to, you can check out our clinic finder on Bedsider. Information on abortion services can be found on our AbortionFinder website.

What trainings and services does Power to Decide offer?

One Key Question®. One Key Question® Online offers a suite of interactive trainings for non-clinical and clinical providers alike. The One Key Question Certification Training focuses on starting the conversation with patients about pregnancy desires. Providers can continue the conversation with our Preconception and Contraception Pathways to Care Training

Human-centered design (HCD). Power to Decide catalyzes innovation in reproductive and sexual health by using HCD, also known as design thinking, to find creative solutions to challenges and pain points in the field. We are passionate about sharing the benefits of HCD with others. There are many ways that we can support you and your organization to use HCD to develop innovative solutions to the challenges you’ve identified in the sexual and reproductive health field.

Licensed content. Power to Decide has been recognized with dozens of prestigious awards for digital innovation. We can help customize a digital solution for your audiences. For example, we can develop original online content or repurpose content already in our expansive library. We can also provide access to the nation’s most comprehensive listing of health centers. 

Campus sexual health. To help colleges address students’ sexual health needs, Power to Decide created the Campus Sexual Health Program. Colleges across the country use our planning framework to advance strategies that are sustainable, scalable, systemic, customizable, relevant, adaptable, and measurable. The Campus Sexual Health Program addresses specific system-level strategies in four areas: overall policy and systems change, sexual health services, information and education, and equity. The goal is to create an institutionalized initiative that will persist even if funding or a key champion goes away, ensuring that students never lose the power to decide.

How do I cite information provided by Power to Decide?

As long as your work will not profit from our work, we welcome you to link to our materials with appropriate attribution. If you are unsure or have questions about our approvals, please email info@powertodecide.org
Most of our fact sheets do not have a specific author. For these documents, use our organization name as the author. For example, for the publication Everyone Loves Birth Control: Power to Decide. (2021). Everyone Loves Birth Control. [Online]. Available: https://powertodecide.org/what-we-do/information/resource-library/everyone-loves-birth-control. Washington: Author.
If a document is undated, you can assume it was written (or updated) in the current year. For the proper citation in a specific style such as APA or MLA, please consult a style manual or textbook.
If you are a researcher interested in using our data for a specific project, please email data@powertodecide.org to request a data use agreement.

What can I do to help ensure that others have the power to decide?

Thank you for asking! We can’t do our work without your help.

  • Donate: Please consider making a financial contribution to Power to Decide. To make a gift and find out how your financial contribution helps, visit our donation page.
  • Join: Want the latest on efforts to advance reproductive well-being? Interested in ways to raise your voice for the power to decide? Join our mailing list today!
  • Get Involved: Ready to demand that every young person has the power to decide? Proud to give a shout out to the opportunities birth control has opened in your life? Power to Decide has ways for everyone to get involved—from young people to parents and champions to advocates, policymakers, and influencers. Learn more on our Get Involved page.
What is your position on abortion?

Power to Decide believes that when people have the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child, they have more opportunity to achieve the futures they want. 

That is why we created AbortionFinder to connect people across the country with the health care they need and deserve. With more than 750 health centers, AbortionFinder.org features the most comprehensive directory of trusted (and verified) abortion service providers in the United States.