Pattern of condoms and IUDs in front of a blue background with confetti


Birth Control!

99% of US women have used it. And it allows people to plan for a family on their own terms and gives them the power to decide their own destinies. By saying #ThxBirthControl we hope to remove the controversy and acknowledge how much contraception makes possible for everyone.

#ThxBirthControl: A Love Letter
Support Access Now

In honor of #ThxBirthControl, share your gratitude for birth control and all that it makes possible by donating to Power to Decide. Your gift will support high-quality, high-impact programs that help those who need it most. 

Help us make our mission of advancing sexual and reproductive well-being for all a reality today! 

Thanks to our 2023 #ThxBirthControl Sponsors!

JPB foundation logo
The logo for Bayer.
A logo for Mayne Pharma
PlanB One-Step logo
The logo for the DiPaola Foundation.