Chante Yarbough

A photo of Chante Yarbough, Digital Programs Fellow at Power to Decide.

Chante Yarbough

I have the power to be the change I want to see in the world, even if it's a small. 

Pronouns: she/her

Chante Yarbough has a bachelor's in public health from American University, where she focused her studies on health equity and reproductive justice. After college, she worked at Dupont Clinic, an all-trimester abortion clinic, as a patient care coordinator, where she assisted folks from across the world seeking abortion care.

In her current role as a Digital Programs Fellow, she updates databases such as AbortionFinder and Bedsider's Clinic Finder to make sure people have access to the most accurate information and can find a provider near them, whether that is for birth control, funding, practical support or abortion care.

In her free time, Chante loves hanging out with friends, going to KBBQ, and discussing pop culture and horror movies! 

Digital Programs Fellow