Our 11 Top Favorite Moments From Thanks, Birth Control Day


Our 11 Top Favorite Moments From Thanks, Birth Control Day

November 25, 2020
An image of Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley in a Thanks Birth Control mask.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Thanks, Birth Control Day this year! Together we told the world why birth control matters and why we love our methods. Even as we look forward to 2021, we want to share a few of our favorite posts from this year’s #ThxBirthControl celebration. Here’s what birth control has made possible in your lives:

Breaking Glass Ceilings


Becoming A Surgeon


Making Snow Babies


Loving Fur Babies


Talking Flirty


Living Your Best Life


Roaming The World


Even Saving Your Life


Having Even More Fur Babies


Being Pain Free


Achieving Our Dreams