The Power to Decide Team Says #ThxBirthControl
October 8, 2018
When we say everyone loves birth control, we mean it! Nearly 94% of all adults agree that all people—regardless of who they are or where they live—deserve the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to become pregnant and have a child. With #ThxBirthControl Day just around the corner, we asked our team to share what access to birth control has meant for them personally! Here's what they had to say:
1. "I'm going to retire early and travel the world!" —Maggi LeDuc

2. "#ThxBirthControl for allowing me to travel" —Ginny Ehrlich

3. "No more agonizing cramps!" —Jennifer Johnsen

4. "Birth control has made me more passionate about reproductive health." —Joshua Issac

5. "My next baby will be a cat." —Kimberlie Burke

6. "Because being able to choose is better than having the choice made for me." —Gillian Sealy

7. "Two daycare payments were enough." —Colleen Crittenden Murray

8. "I'm thankful for going on adventures to see what the world has to offer with my beautiful lady." —Edwin Zelaya

9. "Because all women should have control over their bodies." —Allison McGrath

10. "For allowing me to be an aunt before becoming a mom."—Amiya Perkins

11. "Kids are expensive." —Christine Spears

12. "For making if, when, and under what circumstances possible." —Bill Albert

13. "My sisters have the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances." —Everse Pullen

14. "Thanks, birth control, for keeping me kid-free." —Becky Griesse

15. "Thanks, birth control, for [fewer] migraine days!" —Jacqueline Pelella

16. "Because I don't want to be pregnant right now." —Katherine Suellentrop

17. "I just got good at keeping my plants alive. I hear babies are harder." —Lauren Kernan

18. "So my children can decide if, when, and under what circumstances to make me a grandma." —Julie Satterwhite

19. "Cause it's my life and it's my body" —Hannah Friedland