Withdrawal (pull-out method)

Withdrawal (pull-out method)

An image of a party popper

Withdrawal, also called the “pull-out method,” is one of the oldest forms of birth control on the planet. Withdrawal is when, during penis-in-vagina sex, the person with the penis pulls their penis out of their partner’s vagina before they ejaculate (cum). They can then ejaculate outside of the vagina if they like, but it’s important not to ejaculate on the vulva (the parts on the outside, which include the labia and the clitoris), as that can also lead to pregnancy.

When it’s done correctly, withdrawal works to prevent pregnancy because without ejaculation into the vagina, sperm can’t meet up with an egg. You can also use withdrawal along with any other birth control method to boost effectiveness. The key thing to remember is this: you have to pull out before ejaculation, every single time, for it to be effective.

    Withdrawal, also called the “pull-out method,” is one of the oldest forms of birth control on the planet. Withdrawal is when, during penis-in-vagina sex, the person with the penis pulls their penis out of their partner’s vagina before they ejaculate (cum). They can then ejaculate outside of the vagina if they like, but it’s important not to ejaculate on the vulva (the parts on the outside, which include the labia and the clitoris), as that can also lead to pregnancy. When it’s done correctly, withdrawal works to prevent pregnancy because without ejaculation into the vagina, sperm can’t meet up with an egg. You can also use withdrawal along with any other birth control method to boost effectiveness. The key thing to remember is this: you have to pull out before ejaculation, every single time, for it to be effective.
    Withdrawal is totally free.
    The withdrawal method is totally dependent on self-control. You have to make sure the penis is pulled out before ejaculation AND keep the semen away from the vulva. So it’s really important that the partner with a penis is able to tell when they are getting close to ejaculation. After the person with a penis pulls out, they can still ejaculate, it just needs to be away from their partner’s vagina and vulva. You may want to use spermicide or another method along with pulling out to make it more effective. You may also want to have some emergency contraception pills on hand in case the pull-out method doesn’t work as planned.
    There are positive and negative things to say about each and every method. And everyone’s different—so what you experience may not be the same as what your friend experiences.

    The Positive

    Here are some of the benefits of the pull-out method:* Free * No prescription necessary * No one (other than your partner) has to know you are using withdrawal * Can be used while breastfeeding * Can be used with another method to make it more effective

    The Negative

    There are no side effects to withdrawal. But there are some disadvantages to think about: * Can be messy * Difficult to do it every single time * May be harder to do if you’ve been drinking or are high * Not the most effective method * Doesn’t protect against STIs
    Do you have questions about Withdrawal (pull-out method)? Visit Bedsider.org for answers to many of the most popular questions about this method of birth control.