4 Things You Should Know About Friendships After High School


4 Things You Should Know About Friendships After High School

by Emani Brooks
August 25, 2022
Two young women hug at high school graduation while wearing their caps and gowns.

As we move on to new chapters in our lives, there will be big changes happening to each and every one of us. Whether some of us are going to college, a trade school, the military, etc., it is important to know that not everyone has the same path, and some friends will part ways. After high school, reality and adulthood hit many people very hard. In most cases, your friends become busy, you become busy, and those unbreakable bonds are put to the ultimate test once school is over. Of course, not all of your friendships will end, there are some that will continue long after high school, but people do go their separate ways and that is totally okay. No matter what, the bonds you build with people will always matter and have an impact on your life, but life after high school is an entirely different ballgame. 

Here are 4 things to keep in mind as you and your friends graduate from high school:

#1. Accept that you and your friends are growing and changing. 

Growing apart isn’t a failing on anyone’s part. When we are put into the real world, things happen, and people change. The same individuals you grew up with or went to school with won’t stay the same forever and neither will you. It’s better to come to terms with it now that most of the people you know very well now are most likely going to change in their own way and there is nothing wrong with that. You should accept and embrace the fact that you and your friends won’t be the same, after high school is when many people start to mature, and our focus can shift on things as that happens. 

Seeing yourself and your friends from high school grow and change can actually be a beautiful thing. If there is no bad blood between you all, it’s great for you and your friends to encourage each other and congratulate one another on the accomplishments you’ve made after school. This shows that although you all are not as close anymore, the love within that friendship is still there no matter what. 

#2. Social media can play a major role in helping you all stay in touch.

In most cases, old friends from high school find each other through social media now. There have been plenty of times when my mother has reconnected with some of her closest friends from school through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Social media can be a great platform to find old friends and reunite, possibly becoming close again. Seeing your high school friends change and grow is something social media can play a major role in. Whether some friends start families, establish new careers, or share their accomplishments, social media allows us to keep in touch and reminisce on old times. 

#3. You could possibly be letting go of toxic friendships.

We know that all friendships were never drama free in high school. Most of the time, every friend group has had some type of conflict with one another, or even with another friend group. There are also situations where one person may feel left out or bullied by their friends, which is not right. Once high school is over, those toxic friendships don’t tend to last long because you’re going to want to make friends that you have an actual connection with, that lift you up, and that you enjoy being around. Getting out of a toxic friendship is the best thing you could do after high school. It gives you a chance to be yourself, and possibly find healthier friendships that don’t thrive off negativity. 

#4. After high school’s a chance for a fresh start.

Your life after graduation will most likely be very different from your life before. You’re starting a whole new chapter that can come with a clean slate. Your fresh start begins when you finish high school and move on to the world of endless possibilities. Even if your high school years were something memorable and you struggle to not dwell on the past, you should focus on your future. Of course, it is totally fine to look back every now and again, but once high school is over it is time to focus on that next part of your life without any distractions. 

Many people often say that college is where you’ll make your longtime friends because that is where you all have to learn how to survive and face adulthood. Even if you aren’t going to college, discovering your interests will allow you to discover new friends who share those same interests as you. This is why it’s important to explore and try to connect with other people because you never know the genuine friendships you may find. 

It can be hard to deal with the fact that you probably won’t see your friends everyday anymore once everyone parts ways. Losing or distancing from some of your closest friends is never easy, but it happens as we become adults. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a problem within the friendship for people to not be as close as they were, things just happen and that’s okay. You can always check up on old friends on social media and congratulate one another on any new accomplishments that they post about. Friends are a very valuable aspect of everyone’s life, and it is important to remember that some friends do come and go, especially after high school. There is nothing wrong with growing apart and doing your own thing because sometimes it’s for the best. In the end, every friend you make is a learning experience that should never be taken for granted and always seen as a blessing in disguise. 

Emani Brooks is a recent graduate of Suitland High School in Maryland where she was the President of the Suitland National Honor Society Chapter for the class of 2022. Emani plans to study Business Administration and hopes to pursue a career in social media management.