TikTok Educating Us on Sexual Health
TikTok is a part of many of our everyday lives. Seeing doctors and other specialists make videos about sexual education has become a normal thing that we have never experienced before. Much of the information in the videos focuses on facts never taught to us in school. Many of us would have never learned about these topics without TikTok doctors.
Here are ten people to follow on TikTok if you want to learn important information about your sexual and reproductive health:
Dr. Shon focuses her content on answering her followers' common questions, being a person of color (POC) in the medical field and breaking the barrier between patient and doctor. With many of her followers being teens it has become a top priority to make them comfortable with their doctors and show them that doctors care about their patients. She also provides information about contraception and some explanations for what teens are experiencing with our bodies.
Tessa's audience is also teens. She addresses problems that most teens have but are too scared to ask adults about. Some topics she covers include birth control use, periods, men's health, and STIs. Many accounts on TikTok are focused on women's health, so having information targeted to men that we usually would never receive is a plus.
Dr. Allison’s daughter voices followers’ questions for her to answer in their teen talk videos. The questions they ask come straight from her comments. She also gives an insight of what her job as an OB/GYN is like, educating us with many topics, such as fertility along the way.
Shay gives in-depth explanations on different forms of birth control, many of which are less known forms that we might not have heard about during sex ed. She also shares her life as a Physician's Assistant and why she loves her job.
Dr. Staci’s content revolves around normalizing women's bodies and she also gives mini lessons on female anatomy. She reacts about periods, vulvas, and vaginas in videos sharing medical insights for us to learn from.
Dr. Nicole is an OB/GYN who educates her audience on what to expect going to the gynecologist. She talks about different forms of contraception, which ones are right for you, how they work, and when you should start using them. Her efforts to destigmatize normal things that happen to a woman's body have a big impact on her teen audience.
Tess is a positive sex-ed educator who teaches her audience about myths that we are always told about sex and women’s bodies. She also talks about contraceptive use, STIs, and women's health in general.
Dr. Ali answers questions we have about videos that we have seen across TikTok about sex, contraceptives, and STIs. The most interesting videos on her page are when she answers questions her viewers have about birth control like what the placebo pill does. She also answers other important questions we are too afraid to ask her in the Ask OBGYN videos.
Dr. Adrianna is a women’s health pharmacist. Her content includes videos about sex hygine, Plan B, other birth control, and her life as a pharmacist.
All of these accounts on TikTok give us information about sex and our bodies, which is something that many of us have never experienced before. Having someone that can answer our questions has helped teens become more educated on our bodies and sex. Destigmatising many topics that are seen as taboo has helped us feel more comfortable with our sexualities. Having these doctors and sex educators in our phones just a finger tap away has given teens the education that many of us missed during sex ed.
Dr. Lincoln is an OBGYN whose content revolves around answering questions we all have on our vaginas, birth control, and sex education. She also gives her audience confidence by destigmatizing views on bodies and vaginas.
Chloe Bautista is a senior at Walt Whitman High School in Maryland. She is a member of the field hockey team and a part of the Girl Up club. She plans to study public policy and digital analytics in college and is interning at Power to Decide to spread the awareness of the non-profit.