Briefly: Unplanned Pregnancy Among College Students and Strategies to Address It

Fact Sheet

Briefly: Unplanned Pregnancy Among College Students and Strategies to Address It

Briefly: Unplanned Pregnancy Among College Students and Strategies to Address It

As colleges strive to improve student success and completion, helping students delay pregnancy and parenting (or having additional children) means one less factor that can interfere with their college education. However, pregnancy planning and prevention is not something most colleges have addressed, especially at the community college level. To address this gap, Power to Decide has worked with community college leaders to develop and evaluate resources that are now available for any college to use.

Suggested Citation(s)

Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy). (2015). Briefly: Unplanned Pregnancy Among College Students and Strategies to Address It. Washington, DC: Author.

July 2015

Related Resources

Fact Sheet
Check out this infographic on the importance of having access to the full range of contraceptive methods.
Fact Sheet
This fact sheet summarizes federal funding streams for teen and unplanned pregnancy prevention and provides information about grantees who received funding.
Fact Sheet
This fact sheet offers details on the laws in 23 states that require insurers to increase the number of months for which they cover prescription contraceptives.
A diverse group of organizations dedicated to the success of youth signed a letter urging Congress to increase funding for the TPP Program.