Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy and Completing College: An Evaluation of Online Lessons, 2nd Edition

Power to Decide published free online lessons that help students take action to prevent unplanned pregnancy and complete their education. From the fall of 2012 to the spring of 2014, approximately 2,800 students took the online lessons and participated in pre- and post-lesson evaluation surveys at four colleges—Cincinnati State Technical and Community College (OH), Georgia Perimeter College (GA), Miami Dade College (FL), and Palo Alto College (TX). The National Campaign analyzed the survey data to examine the differences in knowledge, attitudes, and behavioral intent with regard to preventing unplanned pregnancy.
The 1st Edition of this report was published in October 2013 and analyzed a sample of 2,050 students from three colleges in the fall 2012 and spring 2013 semesters. The 2nd Edition builds on the positive results highlighted in the 1st Edition with an analysis of an expanded sample of approximately 2,800 students from four colleges in the fall 2012 through spring 2014 semesters.
Suggested Citation(s)
Antonishak, J., & Connolly, C. (2014). Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy and Community Colleges: An Evaluation of Online Lessons 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.