Whoops Proof Birth Control: Increasing Awareness and Positive Regard for IUDs and the implant Through an Advertising Campaign
Research from Power to Decide suggests that improving communication about IUDS and the Implant—the words, images, and ideas—can have a significant positive impact on young women’s perception of these methods. Based on these research insights, the Whoops Proof communications campaign was developed to help women increase their knowledge of, and positive regard for, IUDs and the Implant. The communications campaign was recently pilot tested and evaluated in South Carolina in partnership with the New Morning Foundation, Choose Well, Riggs Partners, and the Women’s Health Research Team led by Dr. Beth Sundstrom at the College of Charleston. The report shares findings and recommendations from that campaign.
Suggested Citation(s)
Whoops Proof Birth Control: Increasing Awareness and Positive Regard for IUDs and the Implant Through an Advertising Campaign (2017). Washington, DC: Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy).