Welcome to the Federal Policy Action Center
Scroll down to find the latest information and how you can take action to support access to high-quality evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention education and contraceptive access.
Advocacy vs. Educating Policymakers: Understanding the Difference
Federal grantees can advocate (activities such as asking members to take action on legislation, support a particular program funding level, or vote in a specific way) for federal funding; however, they cannot use their federal funds to do so. But, be sure you’re familiar with the rules of your organization; some prohibit advocacy.
If you aren’t able to advocate, that doesn’t mean there is nothing for you to do. You can still help to protect the federal programs that are making a difference in your community, by educating members of Congress about the work these programs are doing. Simply sharing information about the great work that the Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program or the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) are supporting in your community is education, not advocacy. If you are advocating, you will have a policy-related “ask,” such as, “Please increase funding for the evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022.”
To look up your Representative, click here and enter your zip code in the box on the top right. To find your Senators, click here.