Applications for the Shared Learning Collaborative are Open
Reproductive well-being means that all people have equitable access to the information, services, and support they need to have control over their bodies, and to make their own decisions related to sexuality and reproduction throughout their lives. Here at Power to Decide, we strive to implement the values of reproductive well-being into all of the work that we do. That’s why we’re excited to uplift a new opportunity for folks across the country to implement this work in their own communities!
We’re convening a Shared Learning Collaborative of up to 10 place-based teams. These teams will come from across sectors – from public health to education to economic development to social services – and include specific funding for youth representation.
In teams of four and with support from our staff, each team will:
- Build their capacity to establish a collaborative approach to implementing a portfolio of evidence-informed interventions that support reproductive well-being.
- Develop and lead a collective impact initiative to increase reproductive well-being in their communities.
- Foster and catalyze innovation within their own team and across teams through participation in a learning community.
- Share their learnings, stories, and innovations with other teams and with the broader field to seed and inform place-based work in other locations.
We’re especially encouraging folks from organizations that work with underserved populations and those that are in states hostile towards reproductive well-being to apply. A core team of 4 members (including one youth ambassador) will lead the place-based initiative throughout the funding period with support from our team at Power to Decide. Each team will also be awarded up to $20,000 over the three-year funding period and youth ambassadors will receive a $3,000 stipend ($1,000/year) over the three-year funding period. Separately, Power to Decide will also support travel costs for all core team members to attend two in-person convenings annually in Washington, DC over the funding period.
The application deadline is 11:59pm EST on April 28, 2023. We also encourage you to check out the video info session below and the FAQs before applying! And if you would like to preview the application form, you can download it as a PDF.