Concerns About Birth Control Availability


Concerns About Birth Control Availability

April 10, 2024
A woman sits at a desk and considers her screen while looking concerned.

Most Missouri residents (59%) are concerned about elected officials in the state enacting laws that might restrict people from getting birth control, according to a new survey of 1,000 state residents. 

Fully one-third believe that birth control will be more difficult to get in two years than it is now. The same number believe that policymakers in the state are not supportive of birth control. 

Other findings from the survey show that most, regardless of political party, want increased access to all methods of birth control.

  • 77% believe patients should be able to get a yearlong supply of birth control. 
  • 77% support allowing pharmacists to prescribe contraception.

The survey was conducted as part of the Missouri-based The Right Time initiative. Through this effort, health centers across the state are improving access to contraception by providing free or low-cost birth control in 31 locations.