November 2020: Power Updates Edition
There are plenty of articles, publications, and stories published every month. In an effort to help you distinguish fact from fiction, save time in your already busy day, and share news you may not have otherwise seen, here are eight stories from the last month we thought you might find interesting:
Birth Control
Current Contraceptive Status Among Women Aged 15–49: United States, 2017–2019
Using data from the National Survey of Family Growth, this paper reports that from 2017-2019, 65.4% of women age 15-49 used birth control. Sterilization, the pill, LARCs, and male condoms were reported as the four most common methods, with LARC usage highest among those age 20-39.
Pregnancy and Birth
This study found that the ACA’s elimination of cost sharing for contraception (which made all methods of birth control available without copay for those with insurance) is linked to a subsequent increase in birth control prescription fills and a decline in the birth rate among women with insurance. Additionally, the study found that the decline in births was greater for women with low incomes compared to their higher income peers.
After examining ten preconception health indicators in states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA and states that have not, this study found that expansion led to an increase in certain outcomes for women of low income. Specifically, the study found greater preconception health counseling, use of pre-pregnancy folic acid, and postpartum use of effective birth control methods.
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Based on the plan outlined on the campaign website, the Guttmacher Institute analyzed how sexual and reproductive health could change under the Biden administration. Though this work is ongoing as more detailed information is released, they have found that the published plan advocates for expanding eligibility and tax credits currently available under the ACA, creating a public health insurance option, and enforce strong patient protections to basic health care such as abortion care and non-discriminatory care.
The authors of this paper implemented One Key Question® in a primary care setting as well as an OB/GYN practice and then surveyed patients at two different points to understand patient satisfaction as well as any changes in reproductive counseling. There was a statistically significant increase in patient satisfaction at One Key Question® practices, while satisfaction at control (usual care) practices went down over the same time period. Additionally, reproductive health counseling went up at practices that implemented One Key Question®, although this finding was not statistically significant.
US Telehealth Satisfaction Study
JD Power is a consumer advisory company, who recently released the findings from their second annual telehealth satisfaction survey. Key findings from the survey include: 46% of respondents said safety was a reason to use telehealth (a 250% increase from last year’s response); 30% of respondents listed quality care as a reason to use telehealth; 24% of respondents said that limited services were one of their largest barriers to using telehealth; and 11% cited lack of coverage by their insurance provider.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Data Summary and Trends Report 2009-2019
This edition of the biennial Youth Risk Behavior Survey trends report includes three new behaviors, “recent prescription opioid misuse, STD testing, and HIV testing” as well as health behavior data of sexual minority youth. Overall survey trends show a decline in the number of young people reporting high-risk substance use, current sexual activity, and four or more sexual partners. Trends among youth remain unchanged over time in the areas of bullying and forced sex. Condom use, however, has declined over the last decade, mental health and safety concerns have increased, and notable disparities were found when comparing risk behaviors among sexual minority youth to their peers.
Patient Experience with Telehealth Services and Health Education
In a review of literature on how telehealth services affect patient experience, these authors found that patients overwhelmingly preferred telehealth for its convenience. Findings also show that patient experience and patient satisfaction are not only influenced by access, but also by quality of care. The authors acknowledge that many organizations would like to better address provider satisfaction and prevent provider burnout, especially during COVID-19.