Briefly - Policy Brief: Preventing Teen Pregnancy is Critical to School Completion

Fact Sheet

Briefly - Policy Brief: Preventing Teen Pregnancy is Critical to School Completion

Briefly - Policy Brief: Preventing Teen Pregnancy is Critical to School Completion

Fully 30 percent of teen girls cite pregnancy or parenthood as a key reason for dropping out of high school; rates are even higher for African American and Latino girls. It is especially critical that policymakers, advocates, and interested parties from local school superintendents to state officials to business leaders and philanthropists highlight the connection between education and teen pregnancy and this policy brief presents ways in which they can take action.

Suggested Citation(s)

Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy). (2010). Policy Brief: Preventing Teen Pregnancy is Critical to School Completion. Washington, DC: Author.

July 2010

Related Resources

Fact Sheet
Check out this infographic on the importance of having access to the full range of contraceptive methods.
Fact Sheet
This fact sheet summarizes federal funding streams for teen and unplanned pregnancy prevention and provides information about grantees who received funding.
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This fact sheet offers details on the laws in 23 states that require insurers to increase the number of months for which they cover prescription contraceptives.
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