State Resources on Reproductive Well-Being


State Resources on Reproductive Well-Being

a map of the country

On this page we have listed materials for all 50 states. For each state you can find:

  • Key Information: These fact sheets summarize which policies individual states have to increase access to and information about contraception, current funding levels for federal funding streams for teen and unplanned pregnancy prevention, and data on contraceptive deserts, along with information about specific federal grants. 
  • Contraceptive Landscape: These fact sheets—and their associated infographics—summarize the number of women living in contraceptive deserts, or counties in which there is not reasonable access to a health center offering the full range of contraceptive methods, in each state. They also address the impacts of the Title X domestic gag rule on states, where applicable, along with whether the state has adopted policies to expand access to contraception. Note: additional states will be posted until we reach all 50. 
  • State-level Data: These pages show summary and detailed statistics on teen births and teen pregnancies in each state, sexual activity and contraceptive use among high school students, as well as the broader unplanned pregnancy rate. They also allow for comparisons among states.
  • Pharmacist Prescribing of Hormonal Birth Control: Currently, 24 states (including DC) have enacted policies to allow pharmacists to prescribe and dispense self-administered hormonal methods. We are creating infographics for each of these states to better understand what this looks like in each area. 

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

District of Columbia

Key Information

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

New Hampshire

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

New Jersey

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

New Mexico

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

New York

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

North Carolina

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

North Dakota

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Rhode Island

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

South Carolina

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing

South Dakota

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape | Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

State-level Data

West Virginia

Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

Pharmacist Prescribing


Key Information

Contraceptive Landscape Press Release on the Landscape

State-level Data

April 2023

Related Resources

Fact Sheet
Check out this infographic on the importance of having access to the full range of contraceptive methods.
Fact Sheet
Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to one year is an important step in improving maternal health outcomes—a core component of reproductive well-being.
Our letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on LHHS.
Fact Sheet
An infographic on the state of pharmacist prescribing in the United States.