Fast Facts: Teen Pregnancy in the United States

Fact Sheet

Fast Facts: Teen Pregnancy in the United States

Fast Facts: Teen Pregnancy in the United States

Our Fast Facts fact sheet series details data on teen pregnancy, birth, and childbearing including information on: race and ethnicity, sexual behavior, contraceptive use, and trends in the United States.

Suggested Citation(s)

Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy). (2016). Teen Pregnancy in the United States. Washington, DC: Author

April 2016

Related Resources

Fact Sheet
This fact sheet summarizes federal funding streams for teen and unplanned pregnancy prevention and provides information about grantees who received funding.
Key information on state policies & federal grants /Contraceptive landscape fact sheets and press releases /State-level data
16 & Pregnant: A Novel honestly and openly explores pregnancy through the eyes of two Black teens in modern day Nevada.
A diverse group of organizations dedicated to the success of youth signed a letter urging Congress to increase funding for the TPP Program.