Questions for Policymakers about Birth Control Coverage and Access

Fact Sheet

Questions for Policymakers about Birth Control Coverage and Access

Questions for Policymakers about Birth Control Coverage and Access

There are many different proposals being offered by different policymakers regarding how to reform the current health care system.  Some of these proposals could exacerbate existing gaps in affordable access to the full range of contraceptive methods.  It’s important to know where policymakers stand when it comes to contraceptive coverage and access.  These questions are ones we encourage you to ask in any setting where you have the opportunity to interact with legislators. We also include supporting data and resources to help educate legislators about the importance and benefits of all women having affordable access to all contraceptive methods.  Make your voice heard and please share widely!

April 2017

Related Resources

Fact Sheet
Check out this infographic on the importance of having access to the full range of contraceptive methods.
Fact Sheet
Extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to one year is an important step in improving maternal health outcomes—a core component of reproductive well-being.
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This document summarizes current and proposed funding levels through FY 2025.
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This fact sheet summarizes federal funding streams for teen and unplanned pregnancy prevention and provides information about grantees who received funding.