Young Republicans, Birth Control, & Public Policy
Despite widespread agreement among Americans that birth control is morally acceptable, and the facts that most sexually active adults use birth control and almost all women who have had sex have used birth control in their lives, the issue of contraception has become tangled in political controversy in recent years. Against this backdrop, Power To Decide seeks to explore how a key group—young Republicans—feels about contraception overall, what role it plays in their lives, and specific public policies related to birth control. To delve deeper into these topics, we commissioned Kristen Soltis Anderson, a pollster with her finger on the pulse of young Republicans, to conduct focus groups with young Republican women and a nationally representative online survey of young Republican men and women.
Suggested Citation(s)
Anderson, K. S. (2015). Young Republicans, Birth Control, and Public Policy. Washington, DC: Power to Decide (formerly The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy).