Steps the Administration that Takes Office in January 2021 Can Take to Advance Reproductive Well-Being


Steps the Administration that Takes Office in January 2021 Can Take to Advance Reproductive Well-Being

Andrea Kane
October 27, 2020

As the election approaches, Power to Decide offers recommendations for the administration that will take office in January 2021 to consider acting on in its first 100 days. We believe these steps are key to advancing progress towards achieving reproductive well-being and ensuring that everyone has the power to decide if, when, and under circumstances to get pregnant and have a child.

Power to Decide is a national, non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization that is committed to common-ground, commonsense solutions, and catalyzing innovation in the public and private sectors. While many sectors engage in and influence these efforts, federal policy plays a key role in advancing or deterring progress.

While the country has made significant progress toward reducing unplanned pregnancy over the years, progress is not victory. There are threats to this progress and opportunities to do better. Our recommendations fall into five broad issue areas:

  1. Improving Access to Health Care, Especially During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  2. Protecting and Improving Access to Contraception
  3. Protecting and Expanding Access to Abortion as Part of the Full Spectrum of Reproductive Health Care
  4. Protecting and Expanding High-Quality, Evidence-Based Sex Education
  5. Other Actions to Promote Opportunity and Reproductive Well-Being

Many of these recommendations build on and are consistent with those included in blueprint documents developed by various coalitions, including the memos to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in Restoring Science, Protecting the Public Recommendations for Federal Agencies in the Next Presidential Term and First Priorities: Executive and Agency Actions Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice.

We encourage you to share these recommendations with Presidential campaigns and transition teams.