Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Request Letter


Fiscal Year 2025 Appropriations Request Letter

Power to Decide FY 2019 Appropriations Request Letter

In this moment of urgent need to increase accurate information about and access to reproductive health care, we hope you will consider the following funding levels within the FY 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) appropriations bill.

March 2024

Related Resources

Power to Decide submitted the following letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget for consideration as it prepares the President’s FY 2025 budget.
Key information on state policies & federal grants /Contraceptive landscape fact sheets and press releases /State-level data
Eighty-five percent of adults support continued funding for the TPP Program, and 75% favor continuing the Title X program.
A diverse group of organizations dedicated to the success of youth signed a letter urging Congress to increase funding for the TPP Program.