The Power in Having Options
Happy World Contraception Day!
An annual event recognized internationally, World Contraception Day celebrates the existence of birth control and imagines a world where all people have the power to decide, if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant and have a child. Each September 26, we spend the day saying #ThxBirthControl and sharing information about contraception so that everyone can make informed choices about their reproductive well-being.
Increased Choice = Increased Access
Nearly one-third of women in the United States use five different birth control methods throughout the course of their lives. Some want a method that they don’t need to remember every day. Others must consider potential side effects or whether certain methods are safe to take due to a health condition. There’s no such thing as the perfect or best method. Birth control, like many other aspects of life, is a journey.
So, it’s incredibly important that the full range of options are readily available.
Projects like The Right Time in Missouri provide access to all methods of birth control and free or low-cost birth control to those who need it.
Telehealth’s popularity for delivering all types of health care, including sexual and reproductive care, grew exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic; while only 11% of people in the US used telehealth in 2019, nearly 50% had switched by late 2020. And a 2021 survey showed that 97% of 1,400 respondents planned to continue to use telehealth to receive their birth control method after the pandemic ended.
Plus, options for access are growing! On July 13, 2023, the FDA approved Opill, a brand of progestin-only birth control pills for over-the-counter (OTC) access. OTC birth control access knocks down an unnecessary barrier and will expand access to birth control for folks of all ages, but especially for the 19.5 million women living in contraceptive deserts — counties where those need of publicly funded contraceptive care lack reasonable access to a clinic that provides the full range of contraceptive methods.
What Are You Doing to Say #ThxBirthControl?
Your voice matters, and it can make a difference. Do you have a story about why you love your method? How about a tale of your journey to find the best that works best for you? Tell us your story and use it to influence those around you! Use our digital story bank to share what access to birth control has made possible in your life!
On top of all that, Thanks, Birth Control Day 2023 is officially set for Wednesday, November 15. Mark your calendars and spread the word!